after the novel of the same name by Mikhail Bulgakov
Author of libretto and composer Valentin Ovsyannikov
Technical Characteristics
16 actors
8 vocalists (2 female, 4 male parts),
8 actors of plastic expression group (4 female, 4 male parts).
Running time - 2 hours with one interval
The performance is based on 14 musical numbers
Specifics of the Musical Content
Easy-to-remember hit melodies that can exist not only in the play but as separate musical
compositions, as well. Genre variety – from simfo-rock to ensemble singing
Starry Cast of Performers
Famous musical performers, such as Elena Gazaeva, Pavel Berdnikov, Alexander Balykov,
Sergey Sorokin, Grigory Zakharyev, Oleg Goncharov, started their career in this show.
Strong Points
Brand recognition of "The Master and Margarita" is 83 per cent. It means that this very title in the theatre's repertoire is guaranteed to fill in the house.
Despite the poetic narration, the author managed to preserve all the pluridimensionality of
Bulgakov's text, as well as the universally loved quotations.
Send an application to us, and in a week's time you'll have everything for musical performance

Choose a convenient form of cooperation
Libretto, music
What is included: All the soundtracks "minus", all the soundtracks "plus", vocal score
Libretto, music, participation in the negotiations with the legal successor.
What is included: All the soundtracks "minus", all the soundtracks "plus", promo audio by Dmitry
Kharatyan and Svetlana Svetikova, vocal score, participation in the negotiations with the legal
Libretto, music, participation in the negotiations with the legal successor, advertising matter,
costumes, stage scenery
What is included: poster layout for print. Ready sketches for the costumes. Ready sketches for stage
All the soundtracks "minus", all the soundtracks "plus", promo audio by Dmitry Kharatyan and Svetlana Svetikova, vocal score, participation in the negotiations with the legal successor.
Turnkey performance
Complete stage group: musical director, stage director, costume designer, art director, participation in
the negotiations with the legal successor.
дуэт Мастера и Маргариты
Павел Бердников и Елена Газаева

For Cooperation
And for all other purposes fill in the form below. We are sure to contact you.
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